github clauderic/dnd-kit @dnd-kit/core@6.0.2

latest releases: @dnd-kit/core@6.0.8, @dnd-kit/sortable@7.0.2, @dnd-kit/core@6.0.7...
2 years ago

Patch Changes

  • #769 8e3599f Thanks @clauderic! - Fixed an issue with the containerNodeRect that is exposed to modifiers having stale properties (top, left, etc.) when its scrollable ancestors were scrolled.

  • #769 53cb962 Thanks @clauderic! - Fixed a regression with scrollable ancestors detection.

    The scrollable ancestors should be determined by the active node or the over node exclusively. The draggingNode variable shouldn't be used to detect scrollable ancestors since it can be the drag overlay node, and the drag overlay node doesn't have any scrollable ancestors because it is a fixed position element.

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