github clauderic/dnd-kit @dnd-kit/core@2.1.0

latest releases: @dnd-kit/core@6.0.8, @dnd-kit/sortable@7.0.2, @dnd-kit/core@6.0.7...
3 years ago

Minor Changes

  • bdb1aa2 #171 Thanks @mitchheddles! - Added more flexibility for the distance and tolerance activation constraints. Consumers can still provide a number to calculate the distance or tolerance constraints, but can now also pass in an object that adheres to the DistanceMeasurement interface instead. This change allows consumers to specify which axis the activation distance or tolerance should be measured against, either x, y or both.

    type DistanceMeasurement =
      | number
      | {x: number}
      | {y: number}
      | {x: number, y: number}
    interface DistanceConstraint {
      distance: DistanceMeasurement;
    interface DelayConstraint {
      delay: number;
      tolerance: DistanceMeasurement;

    Example usage:

    For example, when building a list that can only be sorted vertically when using the restrictToVerticalAxis modifier, a consumer can now configure sensors to only measure distance against the y axis when using the MouseSensor, and afford more tolerance on the y axis than the x axis for the TouchSensor:

    const sensors = useSensors(
      useSensor(MouseSensor, {
        activationConstraint: {
          distance: { y: 10 },
      useSensor(TouchSensor, {
        activationConstraint: {
          delay: 250,
          tolerance: { y: 15, x: 5 },

    This also fixes a bug with the way the distance is calculated when passing a number to the distance or tolerance options. Previously, the sum of the distance on both the x and y axis was being calculated rather than the hypothenuse.

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