github classgraph/classgraph fast-classpath-scanner-3.1.13

latest releases: classgraph-4.8.173, classgraph-4.8.172, classgraph-4.8.171...
5 years ago

Fixes a number of small bugs, including #213 (which was causing resource dirs like META-INF to not be found when scanning modules). Thanks to @GedMarc for the bug report.

Important note: The version 3 branch will be entering maintenance mode as of this release (only critical bugfixes will be posted to version 3.x.y from now on). All future development will happen in version 4, due for release shortly.

The wiki has been updated for the version 4 API. For the version 3 API, you will need to check out the v3 tag of the wiki for this project:

git clone
git checkout v3

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