github cjolowicz/cookiecutter-hypermodern-python 2020.7.15

latest releases: 2022.6.3.post1, 2022.6.3, 2021.11.26...
3 years ago

Overview of Changes

Here is an overview of the main changes brought by this release:

  • Track pre-commit hooks as Poetry dependencies

    Python-language pre-commit hooks are now managed as development dependencies in Poetry. Their dependencies are installed into the Nox session for pre-commit, making Nox the single entry point for all checks again. Python-language hooks receive automatic upgrades from Dependabot.

  • Upgrade to GitHub Dependabot (thanks @staticdev)

    Dependabot was migrated from dependabot-preview to native GitHub Dependabot. While GitHub Dependabot has a much smoother experience, there are still a few gotchas:

    • When migrating an existing project from dependabot-preview, make sure to opt in to Dependabot security updates. You can do so at Security > Dependabot alerts > Dependabot security updates.
    • When importing a generated project for the first time, Dependabot should start working automatically. You can check its status at Insights > Dependency graph > Dependabot (Beta). Please see #445 and the upstream issue dependabot/dependabot-core#2306, should Dependabot show up as "not configured".


This section lists changes affecting generated projects.

🚀 Features

📚 Documentation

📦 Dependencies

Changes to the Cookiecutter

This section lists changes to the Cookiecutter that don't affect generated projects.

🚀 Features

📚 Documentation

📦 Dependencies

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