[3.4] - 2025-02-02
- pyproject.toml upgraded for poetry 2.0
- in document details view, values of document type dropdown are sorted alphabetically and autocomplete
- in "new document type" modal dialog, custom field dropdown is sorted alphabetically
- Fixes blocking bug in "view by document type" which resulted values displayed in wrong columns
- Fixes "No Visual Feedback on Wrong Credentials" Issue#579
- Fix following problem: it is not possible to delete a tag if it was attached to a node
- Fix following problem: it is not possible to delete node if it has attached tag
- Column sorting and filtering in document type list view
- Column sorting and filtering in custom field list view
- Column sorting and filtering in tags list view
- Minor UX improvements: notification messages on custom field and document type CRUD
operations - For Macintosh users: when in dual panel mode with one panel command + document type,
user can open docs in other panel by pressing Alt key while clicking on the document
title (in commander)