github cisagov/Malcolm v5.2.1
Malcolm v5.2.1

latest releases: v24.02.1, v24.02.0, v24.01.0...
2 years ago

Malcolm v5.2.1 is patch release identical to v5.2.0 with the addition of a fix (arkime/arkime@f13e936) for a regression bug introduced in Arkime v3.3.0 which prevented the Arkime viewer from correctly loading some large or XORed packets.

In addition, a minor change was made to the startup scripts for Hedgehog Linux's Zeek configuration to allow Zeek intelligence files to be automatically loaded the same way they are in Malcolm's Zeek container.


Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux may be obtained by pulling or building the Docker images and/or building the ISO installer images as described in the documentation. Unofficial ISO installer images for Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux are not hosted on GitHub, but may be downloaded from

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