github chylex/Discord-History-Tracker v35
Desktop App (v35)

latest releases: v43.1, v43.0, v42.1...
2 years ago


  • Fixed date filter in Viewer tab not including the whole last day
  • Improved performance of opening databases and tracking messages, especially with large databases and/or slow disks
    • Tracking can now continue while the status bar is updating
    • For best tracking performance, switch away from the Viewer tab (or at least turn off all filters, since updating filters will slow things down)
  • Added an option in the Advanced tab, which can be used to reduce database size after deleting messages
  • Fixed date filter in Viewer tab not including the whole last day


  • Enabled SQLite's write-ahead log
    • This allows concurrent writes and reads, which is necessary to prevent tracking freezes while counting the amount of messages
    • A downside is that a few temporary files are created in the same folder as the database, which uses more disk space until the app is closed

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