github chrisant996/clink v1.3.18

latest releases: v1.6.14, v1.6.13, v1.6.12...
24 months ago

Recent highlights: The v1.3.13 release added features that make the i.lua script possible. Argmatchers can now be written to do match completion in directories other than the current directory. Argmatchers can also be written to take a whole command line as an argument: for example the built-in cmd argmatcher (cmd some_command).


  • Added a built-in updater for Clink, which is enabled by default. When enabled, Clink reports when an update is available. Run clink update to apply the update.
  • Added clink-insert-suggested-line, clink-insert-suggested-word, clink-insert-suggested-full-word, and clink-accept-suggested-line commands (see #280).
  • Added optional timestamps in the history file. The new history.time_stamp and history.time_format settings control whether timestamps are saved and whether/how timestamps are shown.
  • Added cmd.altf4_exits setting to control whether Alt-F4 makes cmd.exe exit. This is so that when the terminal.raw_esc setting is enabled pressing EscEsc behaves the same as Alt-Ctrl-[ as expected, while still allowing Alt-F4 to work.
  • Added horizontal scrolling in the history popup list.
  • Added clink.onprovideline() so scripts can register a function to be called after onbeginedit but before any input is processed. The function can return a string to be executed as a command line, in which case the line editor is not invoked and the onendedit and onfilterinput events happen immediately (see #263).
  • Added rl.gethistorycount() and rl.gethistoryitems() to access the history items.
  • Added os.gettemppath() to get the system temporary directory.
  • Added io.sopen() to control sharing access when opening or creating a file.
  • Both and io.sopen() support the "x" file mode modifier (combined with "w" or "w+"), which makes the function fail if the file already exists.
  • Improved the what-is command to apply word wrapping to the command description.
  • Fixed generating matches from history (fromhistory=true) in argmatchers (regression introduced in v1.3.13).
  • Fixed executable file detection for file names that contain + characters.
  • Fixed some input keys accidentally handled by the OS sometimes (regression introduced in v1.3.6; original fix was introduced in v1.2.10).
  • Fixed timing conditions where other console programs could accidentally override Clink's mouse input mode.
  • Fixed left mouse click in popup lists when terminal.mouse_input is enabled.
  • Fixed alternate key bindings for copy (Ctrl-Ins) and paste (Shift-Ins).
  • Fixed description column alignment in clink.popuplist().
  • Fixed keyboard driver for Alt-Ctrl-[ when the terminal.raw_esc setting is enabled.
  • Fixed keyboard driver for Alt-Ctrl-] and Alt-Ctrl-</kbd>.

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