github chr56/Phonograph_Plus v1.9.3

2 days ago

v1.9.3 2025.03.08


  1. Fix: text on widgets not updated since v1.9.2
  2. Fix: some abnormal behaviors when changing items display settings especially on Artist Page
  3. Fix: potentially wrong images loaded when fast scrolling
  4. Improve: performance of image loading for albums and artists
  5. Improve: support modifying playing queue even if service quits
  6. Improve: enhance stability and usability of music tag viewer or editor
  7. New: pop-up menu options for albums, artist, genres and folders
  8. Translation: update Polish (by cooky), Brazilian Portuguese (by FalaTudo)
  9. Development: cleanup codes, update dependencies, upgrade AGP to 8.8.2


  1. 修复 小部件上的文本不更新 (v1.9.2 起存在)
  2. 修复 更改项目显示设置特别是艺术家页面上时出现一些异常行为
  3. 修复 快速滚动时可能存在的图片加载错乱
  4. 改进 专辑和艺术家的图片加载速度
  5. 改进 支持服务退出后仍然可以修改当前播放队列
  6. 改进 音乐标签编辑的稳定性和可用性
  7. 新增 专辑、艺术家、流派和文件夹的弹出菜单
  8. 翻译 更新 波兰语 (cooky), 巴西葡萄牙语 (FalaTudo)
  9. 开发 清理代码, 更新依赖, 更新 AGP 至 8.8.2

Commit log: v1.9.2...v1.9.3

Version Variants Description / 版本说明

-> Version Guide / 版本指南

TL;DR: If you are a user of Android 7-10, use Legacy; If not, use Modern.
太长不看: 若为 Android 7-10 用户,请使用 Legacy 版本;否则,请使用 Modern 版本。

Download Links | Modern | Legacy |

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