github chr56/Phonograph_Plus preview_0.7.0-dev3

pre-release20 months ago

v0.7.0-dev3 2023.06.12

Commit log: preview_0.7.0-dev2...preview_0.7.0-dev3


NOTE: only show differences of previous preview release

  1. Improve: Title and Buttons of some dialog (like Upgrade Dialog) are not fixed but scrollable with dialog content
  2. Fix: sort order of flat-folders could not be remembered
  3. Fix: new created playlist would not be appeared in list util next entrance
  4. New: support sorting order of playlist (but basic sorting)
  5. New: support basic search song title in Playlist Detail
  6. New: support multi-selection in Search Result
  7. New: support pinning playlists


注意: 仅与上个预览版版本对比

  1. 改进 部分对话框(如升级对话框)的标题和按钮无法固定,而随内容一起滚动
  2. 修复 无法记住扁平文件夹的排序方式
  3. 修复 新建的播放列表不会立即出现在列表中
  4. 新增 支持播放列表的排序(基本排序支持)
  5. 新增 播放列表详情类支持简单歌曲搜索
  6. 新增 搜索结果支持多选
  7. 新增 支持播放列表置顶

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