github chocolatey/ChocolateyGUI 0.20.0

latest releases: 2.1.1, 2.1.0, 2.1.0-alpha-20230608...
2 years ago

As part of this release we had 21 issues closed.

Breaking change

  • #841 Change target .NET Framework version to be 4.8


  • #545 Allow for passing in package parameters / installer arguments when installing a package
  • #533 Allow users to change the locale to use
  • #770 Provide ability to "see" persisted arguments for installed package
  • #838 Provide ability to search/filter features and settings
  • #828 Add confirmation dialog for update all button
  • #827 Add confirmation dialog when removing a source
  • #786 Add confirmation dialog when performing an Uninstall/Reinstall operation from context menu


  • #911 Install button is not disabled when installation of packages is not allowed
  • #904 Message boxes used to report issues often don't stay open
  • #875 All operations on packages with a progress dialog are broken


  • #842 Ensure WiX installer verifies that .NET Framework 4.8 is installed
  • #837 Order features and settings alphabetically
  • #836 Support per-monitor DPI
  • #697 Chocolatey GUI doesn't write to chocolatey.log


  • #898 Gitter is still mentioned in the Readme
  • #891 Fix link to localization article
  • #885 Remove package parameters from nuspec file
  • #854 has broken links

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