github chime/terraform-aws-alternat v0.3.2

latest releases: v0.7.0, v0.6.0, v0.5.0...
22 months ago

Allows the user to optionally disable the creation and management of NAT Gateways by alterNAT by setting create_nat_gateways=false. When set, The user can manage NAT gateways separately - within the vpc module, for example - and alterNAT will work with those rather than provision its own.

When using create_nat_gateways=false, you must allow alterNAT to manage the route. That is, do not use an aws_route resource for the NAT Gateway with as a destination. alterNAT expects to be able to manage the route on its own using the NAT instance userdata script and the replace-route Lambda function. You can either remove the aws_route resource from your configuration or set:

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = all

on the resource to ensure that Terraform ignores it.

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