github chillerlan/php-qrcode 4.3.0

latest releases: 5.0.2, 4.4.1, 5.0.1...
3 years ago

✨ One Million Edition ✨

New features:

  • support for logos: QRMatrix::setLogoSpace() (example), added constant QRMatrix::M_LOGO (#52)
  • allowed coloring the dot of the finder patterns individually via the new constant QRMatrix::M_FINDER_DOT (#52)
  • allowed returning the image resource (resource , GdImage, Imagick, FPDF) from QROutputInterface::dump() via QROptions::$returnResource
  • allowed returning base64 encoded data URIs for SVG and FPDF output

Fixes & cleanup:

  • fixed a bug that could cause unexpected "code length overflow" exceptions for version 33 QR Codes
  • stopped tampering with mb_internal_encoding() as it had no effect here anyways
  • check for ext-gd and ext-imagick when initializing the respective output modules
  • migrated phpunit.xml to support the new format
  • moved CI completely to GH Actions via shivammathur/setup-php - sorry Travis! :(
  • moved documentation to the wiki

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