- Changed diff algorithm for less verbose realtime OCR.
- Realtime OCR remains active at its initial location, allowing you to move the VOCursor during the process. To perform realtime OCR in a different location, stop the OCR, move the VOCursor, then restart realtime OCR.
- Realtime OCR of VOCursor: Command+Control+Shift+r
- Able to toggle obbject detection from the setings.
- OCR Window: Command+Control+Shift+w
- Explore window with GPT: Command+Control+Shift+e
- OCR VOCursor: Command+Control+Shift+v
- Ask GPT about VOCursor: Command+Control+Shift+a
- Settings: Command+Control+Shift+S
- Faster screenshot of VOCursor
- Open an image file in VOCR from finder to ask GPT
- Gpt response gets copied to the clipboard, so you can paste somewhere if you miss it.
- Object Detection through rectangles: Any boxes without text such as icons.
- Moved save OCR result to the menu.
- Moved target window to settings menu.
- auto Scan: Thanks @vick08
- Readme Improvement: Thanks @ssawczyn
The GPT features utilize GPT-4V, and they require your own OpenAI API key.
IMPORTANT: Location information from GPT-4V is extremely unreliable and inaccurate.