github checkstyle/checkstyle checkstyle-10.21.4

14 hours ago

Checkstyle 10.21.4 -

Bug fixes:

#15161 - AnnotationOnSameLine: FalseNegative when the annotation is on the same line of the modifer of the target class
#16081 - PARAMETER_DEF in FinalLocalVariable doesn't seem to work in interfaces
#16165 - Regression: CyclomaticComplexity.switchBlockAsSingleDecisionPoint does not work properly anymore (10.21.1)

Other Changes:
update to new format of AST print
Resolve Pitest Suppression in Pitest-Javadoc Profile
Define violation messages for all violations
Improve documentation - how to add usage of `var` to check `IllegalType`?
Enforce file size on Java inputs
Strange echo failure for static message in github action execution
Remove '//ok' comments from Input files
Cover pitest survivals with tests

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