- Chat widget redesign showing average reply time
- Email channel ( alpha )
- Knowledge Base APIs
- Search conversations API
- Ability to reauthorize Facebook pages when the token expires
- Activity messages for label addition and deletion
- Ability to change online status from the sidebar
- Support Redis sentinel
- Gravatar images when the agent doesn't have an avatar
- Ability to unmute conversations
- Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
Thanks to @vishal-pandey, @snowild, @DavidSteinbauer, @monarch0111, @jcomo, @somenugget, @dereknguyen269, @l2dy, @onlywicked, @sarawukl, @narendran-kannan, @akashdotsrivastava, @amd-9, @artfuldodger, @RicardoRamirezR for the contributions