github chartbrew/chartbrew v1.21.0

latest releases: v3.5.2, v3.5.1, v3.5.0...
2 years ago


🔥 Potential breaking change

  • Chartbrew's server app now takes the port number from $PORT and if that variable is not set it uses the usual $CB_API_PORT var (this was needed to be able to run the app on Heroku)

✨ New features

  • Chartbrew now has a new chart mode called KPI + Chart. This mode has both the KPI and an interactive chart displayed on the card
  • New Growth toggle to show how the latest value changed compared to the previous one on the chart (in %)

🚸 UI/UX changes

  • Sometimes the chart size dropdown menu would appear outside the screen. This is now fixed
  • The charts have been modified to be more presentable
  • If part of multiple teams and one team doesn't have projects, Chartbrew will stop bugging you to create a project
  • Disable the sharing option in the UI for the member role
  • Added a check to see if the database has any users and re-direct to the signup screen if the database is empty
  • Changed the global color code for red and green

🚀 Feature changes

  • It is now possible to select fields from double-nested arrays on the Y Axis and perform operations on them

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the client report logo on mobile

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