github chartbrew/chartbrew v1.16.2

latest releases: v3.5.1, v3.5.0, v3.4.0...
2 years ago


🚑 Hotfixes

  • Fixed migration script that was stopping the new installations from starting properly #97

✨ New features

  • Added a new template for Plausible Analytics
  • Added a new pagination template called Pages to support paginations that use a page field

🚀 Feature changes

  • Removed the need to set a date field for date range filtering (useful when using the date range only for the API route variables)
  • When the connection response does not contain an array in the first 3 levels of the object, Chartbrew transforms the object into 1-item array to be able to process it

🐛 Bugfixes

  • Fixed the "Show token" button in the API Connection form

🎨 Visual changes

  • Change the color scheme in the dashboard editor

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