github charmbracelet/lipgloss v0.9.0

latest releases: v0.10.0, v0.9.1
7 months ago

My, how the tables have turned

Now you can draw Tables with Lip Gloss! 💅


View the source code.

Let's get started

import ""

Define some rows of data.

rows := [][]string{
    {"Chinese", "您好", "你好"},
    {"Japanese", "こんにちは", "やあ"},
    {"Arabic", "أهلين", "أهلا"},
    {"Russian", "Здравствуйте", "Привет"},
    {"Spanish", "Hola", "¿Qué tal?"},

Use the table package to style and render the table.

t := table.New().
    StyleFunc(func(row, col int) lipgloss.Style {
        switch {
        case row == 0:
            return HeaderStyle
        case row%2 == 0:
            return EvenRowStyle
            return OddRowStyle
    Headers("LANGUAGE", "FORMAL", "INFORMAL").

// You can also add tables row-by-row
t.Row("English", "You look absolutely fabulous.", "How's it going?")

Print the table.

Table example

For more on tables see the examples.

Additional Borders

Lip Gloss' Border now supports additional middle border separators.

type Border struct {
    // ...
    MiddleLeft   string
    MiddleRight  string
    Middle       string
    MiddleTop    string
    MiddleBottom string

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