github charmbracelet/glow v1.0.0

latest releases: v2.0.0, v1.5.1, v1.5.0...
4 years ago


be478cb Adapt to upstream gitcha API
85c121d Add Arabic pagination if the dot nav gets wider than the terminal width
787b988 Add Charm logo, remove SSH stuff
d06f491 Add GLOW_DISABLE_GLAMOUR in the env for testing
7ea7979 Add Glow "logo" to stash browser
8d6da19 Add Glow logo to README
994b85b Add Go 1.15.x to build matrix
ce8ca8f Add Nix installation instructions + note about Charm loving open source
ba7c9a5 Add Void Linux installation instructions
c954898 Add basic mouse wheel support to pager
04f1ebf Add functionality for setting document note in the pager
71b9387 Add gitcha
93eea84 Add golangci config
dde5740 Add info about new Glow version to README
ea12614 Add memo key to stash help + change memo keys to 'm'
dc74e17 Add missing comma
45cde43 Add more checks for nil Charm clients
20f7168 Add pagination call
c0daa74 Add periods to comments to make the linter happy
15459db Add release badge to README
1971c8a Add right padding to markdown rendering
e500ed6 Add stash item deletion functionality
c997990 Add status bar
5613e36 Adjust dark green color in status message bar
d941957 Also exit the pager with left arrow, h and delete/backspace
3ab3b8f Also keep the scroll percentage at 0% or higher
eba22f0 Also set/edit notes in stash view
f611b6e Also use f and b to change pages in the file listing view
cdc55a4 Always show spinner for a minimum amount of time when stashing
912c806 Apply fine-grained spinner display rules to file listing view
0897472 Attempt to cleanup the Msg grab bag formatting
c9af84b Automatically detect terminal width, with a 120 char limit
9263f82 Avoid potential variable capture situations
e9c47a1 Be specific that we're deleting only from the stash
4cfd1fc Better error view language depending on whether error is fatal
abff9d4 Better header messages depending on what we find
c2bb505 Break pager off into its own set of Boba functions
f43a027 Bugfix: scroll percentage could read higher than 100% ater a resize
18fcf68 Change default rendering width to 80
1200b86 Cleanup pager status bar view thanks to the latest updates in reflow
3588f45 Cleanup status message vars
131685b Clearer const names for stash view stuff
9179515 Close help when unloading/resetting pager
40dfa9e Comments
05a5638 Comments
cd9ee93 Configure git for private modules
6e72cbd Consolidate debug config stuff
c00fe7f Correct env var placement in Makefile
b2511c5 Correct header counts for local items converted to stashed ones
7ee203a Correct keystroke in pager help
3b06c1f Correction help-toggling method name in pager
e0bd2dd Crudely load local markdown files into the stash
4792345 Delete from stash command
3b3bf68 Detect when stash and news loading fails (and update the UI accordingly)
a5febb9 Disable Windows & FreeBSD builds temporarily
2821cf2 Disable identity & force-key flags
d16c13f Disable mouse for now
fa06996 Dispell a magic number
2534045 Do it fullscreen
4140404 Don't allow note-setting on news
26b3292 Don't allow stashing until authed + introduce "offline mode" in UI
7b6c3b3 Don't allow users to set notes on local files
83eec3f Don't change the state when initializing the Charm client
e685dea Don't query for terminal dimensions when starting up
74aad53 Don't quit if user uses esc/q to exit the non-fatal error view
ddef264 Don't quit on "fatal" errors
f474e24 Don't render stash until both stash and news are loaded
b831afc Don't say we haven't found anything until we're done searching
1219d22 Don't set a note if the note didn't actually change
3409ca3 Don't show navigation help in the stash if there's only one item
2907abd Don't show status message in file listing when stashing in pager
198a785 Don't show the paginator if there's only one page
e8eea0b Don't shut down when we encounter network errors
61bcd80 Don't try and open stuff if there's nothing to open
70070d2 Draw a spinner in the file listing while stuff is loading
2814262 Enable brew Linux builds in the charmbracelet/tap
6025e73 Enable use of the GLAMOUR_STYLE environment variable (#152)
6b21789 Ensure sorting is stable: type -> timestamp -> path/ID
9bee37e Fetch and render news markdown
f203f84 Fix README typos
b9c02d7 Fix a bug where pressing q would cancel note input
8370f74 Fix a crash when opening pager help in very narrow windows
d299ee3 Fix a panic that could happen with very tiny terminal windows
d3ac07c Fix bottom line jitteriness with performance rendering
a04ca3f Fix bug where pressing left to exit the pager would also page the stash
e50aff6 Fix bug where spinner would spin forever if the stash is empty
60b1d6a Fix bug where user couldn't exit pager in various stash-related states
b31aba3 Fix case where pager commands could be lost
9bc86c1 Fix character-chomping weirdness with a well-placed newline
b39b2e6 Fix checksums in go.sum
b94615f Fix debug log in stash deletion command
089b66f Fix extreme edge case error logging where local file has no path
a3552fd Fix goreportcard link
05a77ff Fix make target for logging to the local directory
251aacf Fix markdown sorting error
939fdef Fix panic when deleting item at end of stash
2e7b0ec Fix regression where items stashed in the pager were treated as local
5515460 Fix regression where note-setting on newly stashed items couldn't be done
b20a06d Fix stash capitalization in help
d4203ed Fix stash empty/not-empty rendering
d0542b6 Fix stash spinner
2688a8c Fix stash view when no items are stashed
6e13ce3 Fix status bar colors on light backgrouds
553d064 Fix tests (don't test glow with no arguments)
dbb3235 Flag stashed items with a little dot
f3a91f0 For now, keep selection within current page
805a260 Format help and add examples to stash command
bd52d1c Get markdown command
5b20e3e Hide files and dirs starting with a dot by default
2e16f26 Highlight stash choice in file listing footer
21eccfd Hop back to Muesli's gitcha repo at master
6e36891 If a file is currently mid-stash don't let the user stash it again
9903ea8 Ignore $GOPATH everywhere and ~/Library on macOS
1443d3e Improve README wording around stashing
81bcce8 Improve stash item deletion cancellation experience
c7e584c Improve state on selected items in stash view
68d2d34 Insert files into the file listing as we find 'em
b2df0ca Integrate high performance viewport, but not without issue
091c3be Keep loading stuff in the background while viewing a document
8bb2812 Keep page in bounds after resetting terminal size
531645e Keep selection in-bounds when paginating
8471c52 Keep the stash help view from wrapping in very narrow windows
ee4ed1b Keybindings for jumping to the top and the bottom of the pager
676d215 Keybindings for navigating to the start/end of file listing
fd62ceb Left/right + h/l to navigate pages
4acb642 Let's just call documents "markdowns"
ac872bf Let's now refer to userMarkdown as stashedMarkdown
b4398fc Link to instead of
395ae99 List stash
0534053 Load chosen document into pager
d6f296c Load document body before stashing when stashing from the file listing
2581f76 Load local markdown files into the pager
7a8a1f7 Load more pages, if any, when the user reaches the last page
c622816 Load selected item from stash into the pager
bb6904a Load stash + fix spinner issues + render nothing useful
055ae6e Load, browse and render news
ddbacff Log IO errors if a logfile is set
c3ceed2 Log to a given path if GLOW_LOG_TO_FILE is set
3572ef5 Log when local file search finishes
cdf1113 Log when stash item deletions fail
28f8f18 Make --force-key/-f a persistent flag, like --identity
9db7c2e Make general error msg a struct for type safety
ec9cc0b Make source private
77ba75d Migrate from Boba to Bubble Tea and Bubbles
5019331 Mini help view for pager
c55bb23 Minor comments and cleanup in the TUI
f302182 More contrasty note titles in pager status bar
575017e More integrated-looking stash confirmation message in pager
5554624 More logging around keygen
82acc62 Move common commands to the main UI file
a3a05fd Move ignore stuff to gitcha (and temporarily use the meowgorithm fork)
2b06454 Move markdown types into a separate file
85cd31d Muesli informs me of the correct capitalization of "macOS"
5ea351a Navigate over unpaginated stash
5cd6acc Nice looking system-level errors
4c6633e Now in Homebrew!
f00e5cc Only do the dark background check once
dd8c650 Only show memo key in pager help for user stashed markdown
964be85 Parse subcommands before main command arguments int the CLI
5d2ca09 Pass style argument to the Boba program
d34a687 Pin charm, glamour, and bubbles deps at master
8695bff Pre-populate note field with exisiting note
d156142 Press "r" to view errors in the stash
dde45d9 Pressing 'q' when setting a note in the pager shouldn't cancel the note
fc2f056 Pressing q quits no matter where you are
03b7b92 Print successful stash
d2e2da7 Properly render one page of the stash
562d02d Properly truncate fullwidth/double-byte chars
a02cc01 Pull an always-nil return value
844cdcd Pull out Windows language from README for now
2a70069 Re-render with Glamour terminal resize
45163be Refer to local files as "local" instead of "files"
671eade Remove Boba residue
29b825b Remove authors in README
4849e04 Remove commented code
8ef13d4 Remove deprecated homebrew tap installation note
f8c4ddc Remove disabled force key/identity file stuff for now
dd82896 Remove extra height and positioning stuff
88523ee Remove extraneous formatting call
6e7cea7 Remove more old code for specifying SSH paths
2c71185 Remove mysterious "stash may not be totally loaded" dots for now
c149685 Remove newline
b296cbb Remove newlines the linter is complaining about
c663511 Remove replace directive in go.mod
1b7c70a Remove right document padding per Glamour update (pinned at current master)
6aba7af Remove some magic numbers to calm the linter down
fcaa654 Remove spinner custom message stuff which is no longer supported
6aadaf8 Remove stash list, get and delete commands
c0ca639 Remove tests for Go 1.11 and 1.12 (keygen is 1.13 and up)
3619ad1 Remove the bottom gap when closing the pager help whilst at the bottom
d5045fa Remove windows from CI for now
c5d7aa0 Rename readerFromArg to sourceFromArg
2c411a3 Rename stash.go to stash_cmd.go for clarity
4f250eb Render all errors at the main view level
7965042 Render stash items
21b1a28 Render stash view with a strings.Builder
f5df688 Render with glamour asyncronously
883fda2 Repaint on terminal resize
2c3c5a8 Replace commented-out code about stash-related pagination with a note
048b484 Reset y offset when resetting pager
fa7c8f0 Respect -i/--identity flag in the TUI
232a991 Respect high performance flag
428a315 Restore Glamour rendering, performance pager, and debug logging
2f9babc Restore original displayed path when deleting a newly stashed item
56ab8e5 Rework stash design and simplify code
f52311a Rework/cleanup styling in stash/file listing
eb6fa55 Run glow stash to browse stashed files only
c5517ad Search for READMEs case-insensitively & recursively
df95fa6 Selection index in file shouldn't dip below 0
a5b67ba Separate out the TUI and CLI sections of the README
5bdf764 Set ID of newly stashed markdowns so we can operate on them
e5663a5 Set note character limit to 256 to match the database
40724af Short circuit help view sooner if we can
e01dc95 Shorten status messages to 2 seconds
aa0c48f Show local and stashed counts in header
66dae71 Show spinner in stash view while stashing
7d67711 Show spinner while stashing in the pager
359828a Silence this Go linter message
5c8da55 Simplify environment vars
2a3fa61 Simplify messaging in (rare) state where there's absolutely nothing to show
a2fd25d Sort local items by filename rather than date
58abda8 Sort stash by local files first, then date
476e014 Sort stash in descending order by date
8ba5c1f Spilling over top/bottom in stash browser goes to the prev/next page
1bf2298 Start Glow in the file loader while file and stash listing load
d4f1924 Start looking for local files the moment Glow starts
accb5fb Stash documentation draft
04b6089 Stash documents from the stash view
593d9f0 Stash local files from the pager
2fdef64 Stashed docs become local upon delete if they were stashed in-session
1d434d6 Stashed items get a green indicator in the pager
17dcda2 Strip cwd from local file paths
da4e98f Stub out Stash UI + update for Boba v0.5.0
b58ee10 Stub out Tea UI: create Charm client and generate keys if necessary
cb8f7fc Take note internally when the local file search is finished
0483c3d Test against Go 1.14
651683c Treat Markdown.CreatedAt as values per the updates in the charm lib
01de366 Truncate long lines in stash get command + cosmetic stuff
95fe84e Truncate long memo title in pager + fix associated panic
df0a3ba Truncate long memos in stash
ae5e158 Unstyled indent (for now)
211e66c Update Charm and Boba libraries
7166f99 Update Charm badge
e4091b0 Update README
5d267e9 Update UI image + minor copy edits
a705921 Update -a help language
7f9cc95 Update altscreen calls per latest Bubble Tea update
3c04fc8 Update deprecated homebrew tap section in goreleaser config
a10e786 Update error message to match new error type
52e50a4 Update example image with unicode characters
1f4970e Update for simpler pager library
87d2a9a Update header depending on what's stashed
f2537b1 Update loading message if you're just loading your stash
8903ad8 Update stash help to push the notion that q quits
d9b1d33 Use "just now" rather than seconds for documents under 1 minute old
b390935 Use base name when stashing from the CLI if no memo is set
18e591b Use filepath.Join rather than string concatenation
5038a7b Use glamour's 'auto' style per default
5cdf829 Use glamour's WithAutoStyle option as default
70833af Use keygen directly; we don't need the Bubble Tea component anymore
06cbbd7 Use lock emoji for stashed item in pager
9eac9e2 Use new, simplified window resize handling
51ad1c3 Use relative times when under a week
1d6341f Use strings.Builder to build pager view
e0d6d7b Use the little green dot from the TUI when stashing on the CLI
3d1adee Use the proper method for adding markdown docs to the stash
d433820 Validate options once
a35d83d View errors with "!"
d7974f0 When stashing, replace local file with stashed file in the file listing
93e8370 Whoops, remove thing where pressing f would synthesize an error
a106bc0 Working stash command
60cee4a u/d also pages back/forth in the the file listing
f8fa5a0 use strings.TrimPrefix instead of Replace when checking paths

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