github chakra-ui/panda @pandacss/types@0.34.0

latest releases: @pandacss/types@0.49.0, @pandacss/token-dictionary@0.49.0, @pandacss/generator@0.49.0...
9 months ago

Minor Changes

  • d1516c8: Deprecates emitPackage, it will be removed in the next major version.


    It's known for causing several issues:

    • bundlers sometimes eagerly cache the node_modules, leading to panda codegen updates to the styled-system not
      visible in the browser
    • auto-imports are not suggested in your IDE.
    • in some IDE the typings are not always reflected properly

    As alternatives, you can use:

    • relative paths instead of absolute paths (e.g. ../styled-system/css instead of styled-system/css)
    • use package.json #imports and/or tsconfig path aliases (prefer
      package.json#imports when possible, TS 5.4 supports them by default) like #styled-system/css instead of
    • for a component library, use a dedicated workspace package
      (e.g. @acme/styled-system) and use importMap: "@acme/styled-system" so that Panda knows which entrypoint to
      extract, e.g. import { css } from '@acme/styled-system/css'

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