github chakra-ui/panda @pandacss/shared@0.5.1

latest releases: @pandacss/token-dictionary@0.51.1, @pandacss/types@0.51.1, @pandacss/studio@0.51.1...
18 months ago

Patch Changes

  • c0335cf: Fix the astish shared function when using config.syntax: 'template-literal'

    ex: css${someVar}

    if a value is unresolvable in the static analysis step, it would be interpreted as undefined, and astish would

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

  • 762fd0c: Fix issue where the walkObject shared helper would set an object key to a nullish value


    const shorthands = {
      flexDir: 'flexDirection',
    const obj = {
      flexDir: 'row',
      flexDirection: undefined,
    const result = walkObject(obj, (value) => value, {
      getKey(prop) {
        return shorthands[prop] ?? prop

    This would set the flexDirection to row (using getKey) and then set the flexDirection property again, this
    time to undefined, since it existed in the original object

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