github chakra-ui/panda @pandacss/shared@0.21.0

latest releases: @pandacss/types@0.53.0, @pandacss/preset-panda@0.53.0, @pandacss/token-dictionary@0.53.0...
14 months ago

Minor Changes

  • 26e6051: Add an escape-hatch for arbitrary values when using config.strictTokens, by prefixing the value with [
    and suffixing with ], e.g. writing [123px] as a value will bypass the token validation.

    import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
      // @ts-expect-error TS will throw when using from strictTokens: true
      color: '#fff',
      // @ts-expect-error TS will throw when using from strictTokens: true
      width: '100px',
      // ✅ but this is now allowed:
      bgColor: '[rgb(51 155 240)]',
      fontSize: '[12px]',

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