github chakra-ui/panda @pandacss/preset-base@0.11.0

latest releases: @pandacss/types@0.53.0, @pandacss/preset-panda@0.53.0, @pandacss/token-dictionary@0.53.0...
18 months ago

Minor Changes

  • 811f4fb: Add new visually hidden and bleed patterns.


    Bleed is a layout pattern is used to negate the padding applied to a parent container. You can apply an inline or
    block bleed to a child element, setting its value to match the parent's padding.

    import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
    import { bleed } from '../styled-system/patterns'
    export function Page() {
      return (
        <div class={css({ px: '6' })}>
          <div class={bleed({ inline: '6' })}>Welcome</div>

    Visually Hidden

    Visually hidden is a layout pattern used to hide content visually, but still make it available to screen readers.

    import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
    import { visuallyHidden } from '../styled-system/patterns'
    export function Checkbox() {
      return (
          <input type="checkbox" class={visuallyHidden()}>
            I'm hidde

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [5b95caf]
    • @pandacss/types@0.11.0

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