github chakra-ui/panda @pandacss/node@0.16.0

latest releases: @pandacss/types@0.53.0, @pandacss/preset-panda@0.53.0, @pandacss/token-dictionary@0.53.0...
16 months ago

Minor Changes

  • 36252b1: ## --minimal flag

    Adds a new --minimal flag for the CLI on the panda cssgen command to skip generating CSS for theme tokens,
    preflightkeyframes, static and global css

    Thich means that the generated CSS will only contain the CSS related to the styles found in the included files.

    Note that you can use a glob to override the config.include option like this:
    panda cssgen "src/**/*.css" --minimal

    This is useful when you want to split your CSS into multiple files, for example if you want to split by pages.

    Use it like this:

    panda cssgen "src/**/pages/*.css" --minimal --outfile dist/pages.css

    cssgen {type}

    In addition to the optional glob that you can already pass to override the config.include option, the panda cssgen
    command now accepts a new {type} argument to generate only a specific type of CSS:

    • preflight
    • tokens
    • static
    • global
    • keyframes

    Note that this only works when passing an --outfile.

    You can use it like this:

    panda cssgen "static" --outfile dist/static.css

Patch Changes

  • 20f4e20: Apply a few optmizations on the resulting CSS generated from panda cssgen command
  • Updated dependencies [2b5cbf7]
  • Updated dependencies [20f4e20]
  • Updated dependencies [36252b1]
    • @pandacss/generator@0.16.0
    • @pandacss/core@0.16.0
    • @pandacss/parser@0.16.0
    • @pandacss/config@0.16.0
    • @pandacss/token-dictionary@0.16.0
    • @pandacss/error@0.16.0
    • @pandacss/extractor@0.16.0
    • @pandacss/is-valid-prop@0.16.0
    • @pandacss/logger@0.16.0
    • @pandacss/shared@0.16.0
    • @pandacss/types@0.16.0

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