github chakra-ui/panda @pandacss/generator@0.12.2

latest releases: @pandacss/types@0.49.0, @pandacss/token-dictionary@0.49.0, @pandacss/generator@0.49.0...
16 months ago

Patch Changes

  • 6588c8e: - Change the css function signature to allow passing multiple style objects that will be smartly merged.

    • Rename the {cvaFn}.resolve function to {cva}.raw for API consistency.
    • Change the behaviour of {patternFn}.raw to return the resulting SystemStyleObject instead of the arguments
      passed in. This is to allow the css function to merge the styles correctly.
    import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
    css({ mx: '3', paddingTop: '4' }, { mx: '10', pt: '6' }) // => mx_10 pt_6

    ⚠️ This approach should be preferred for merging styles over the current cx function, which will be reverted to
    its original classname concatenation behaviour.

    import { css, cx } from '../styled-system/css'
    const App = () => {
      return (
    -      <div className={cx(css({ mx: '3', paddingTop: '4' }), css({ mx: '10', pt: '6' }))}>
    +      <div className={css({ mx: '3', paddingTop: '4' }, { mx: '10', pt: '6' })}>
            Will result in `class="mx_10 pt_6"`

    To design a component that supports style overrides, you can now provide the css prop as a style object, and it'll
    be merged correctly.

    import { css } from '../../styled-system/css'
    export const Button = ({ css: cssProp = {}, children }) => {
      const className = css({ display: 'flex', alignItem: 'center', color: 'black' }, cssProp)
      return <button className={className}>{children}</button>

    Then you can use the Button component like this:

    import { css } from '../../styled-system/css'
    import { Button, Thingy } from './Button'
    export default function Page() {
      return (
        <Button css={{ color: 'pink', _hover: { color: 'red' } }}>
          will result in `class="d_flex align_center text_pink hover:text_red"`

    You can use this approach as well with the new {cvaFn}.raw and {patternFn}.raw functions, will allow style objects
    to be merged as expected in any situation.

    Pattern Example:

    import { hstack } from '../../styled-system/patterns'
    import { css, cva } from '../../styled-system/css'
    export const Button = ({ css: cssProp = {}, children }) => {
      // using the flex pattern
      const hstackProps = hstack.raw({
        border: '1px solid',
        _hover: { color: 'blue.400' },
      // merging the styles
      const className = css(hstackProps, cssProp)
      return <button className={className}>{children}</button>

    CVA Example:

    import { css, cva } from '../../styled-system/css'
    const buttonRecipe = cva({
      base: { display: 'flex', fontSize: 'lg' },
      variants: {
        variant: {
          primary: { color: 'white', backgroundColor: 'blue.500' },
    export const Button = ({ css: cssProp = {}, children }) => {
      const className = css(
        // using the button recipe
        buttonRecipe.raw({ variant: 'primary' }),
        // adding style overrides (internal)
        { _hover: { color: 'blue.400' } },
        // adding style overrides (external)
      return <button className={className}>{props.children}</button>
  • 36fdff8: Fix bug in generated js code for atomic slot recipe produce where splitVariantProps didn't work without
    the first slot key.

    • @pandacss/core@0.12.2
    • @pandacss/is-valid-prop@0.12.2
    • @pandacss/logger@0.12.2
    • @pandacss/shared@0.12.2
    • @pandacss/token-dictionary@0.12.2
    • @pandacss/types@0.12.2

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