github chakra-ui/panda @pandacss/extractor@0.7.0

latest releases: @pandacss/token-dictionary@0.51.1, @pandacss/types@0.51.1, @pandacss/studio@0.51.1...
18 months ago

Patch Changes

  • f2abf34: Fix extractor behaviour when encoutering operation tokens, try to evaluate them instead of resolving them as


    <AspectRatio ratio={1 / 2} asterisk={1 * 5} exp={1 ** 4} minus={5 - 1} />

    would be extracted to:

      "asterisk": "1 *5",
      "exp": "1**4",
      "minus": "5 -1",
      "ratio": "1 / 2"

    now, it will be extracted to the actual values:

      "asterisk": 5,
      "exp": 1,
      "minus": 4,
      "ratio": 0.5
  • 7bc69e4: Fix issue where extraction does not work when the spread syntax is used or prop contains string that ends
    with ':'

    • @pandacss/logger@0.7.0

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