github chakra-ui/panda @pandacss/core@0.6.0

latest releases: @pandacss/types@0.53.0, @pandacss/preset-panda@0.53.0, @pandacss/token-dictionary@0.53.0...
19 months ago

Patch Changes

  • 12c900e: Fix issue where unitless grid properties were converted to pixel values

  • 5bd88c4: Fix JSX recipe extraction when multiple recipes were used on the same component, ex:

    const ComponentWithMultipleRecipes = ({ variant }) => {
      return (
        <button className={cx(pinkRecipe({ variant }), greenRecipe({ variant }), blueRecipe({ variant }))}>Hello</button>

    Given a panda.config.ts with recipes each including a common jsx tag name, such as:

    recipes: {
        pinkRecipe: {
            name: 'pinkRecipe',
            jsx: ['ComponentWithMultipleRecipes'],
            base: { color: 'pink.100' },
            variants: {
                variant: {
                small: { fontSize: 'sm' },
        greenRecipe: {
            name: 'greenRecipe',
            jsx: ['ComponentWithMultipleRecipes'],
            base: { color: 'green.100' },
            variants: {
                variant: {
                small: { fontSize: 'sm' },
        blueRecipe: {
            name: 'blueRecipe',
            jsx: ['ComponentWithMultipleRecipes'],
            base: { color: 'blue.100' },
            variants: {
                variant: {
                small: { fontSize: 'sm' },

    Only the first matching recipe would be noticed and have its CSS generated, now this will properly generate the CSS
    for each of them

  • ef1dd67: Fix issue where staticCss did not generate all variants in the array of css rules

  • b50675c: Refactor parser to support extracting css prop in JSX elements correctly.

    • @pandacss/types@0.6.0
    • @pandacss/token-dictionary@0.6.0
    • @pandacss/error@0.6.0
    • @pandacss/logger@0.6.0
    • @pandacss/shared@0.6.0

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