github chakra-ui/chakra-ui @chakra-ui/utils@1.2.0

latest releases: @chakra-ui/docs@3.0.0-next.2, @chakra-ui/utils@3.0.0-next.2, @chakra-ui/react@3.0.0-next.2...
3 years ago

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • ff4a36bca
    #3245 Thanks
    @segunadebayo! - Removed objectAssign
    function in favor of using native Object.assign method. It is
    now supported in most browsers

    This function is only used once in the system package as well. This PR
    simply removes it to cut bundle size of utils. Less is more 😃.

  • 483687237
    #3283 Thanks
    @segunadebayo! - Update focus util to
    handle unsupported browsers (Safari), and ability to opt out of

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