github chakra-ui/chakra-ui @chakra-ui/styled-system@1.5.0

latest releases: @chakra-ui/hooks@3.0.0-next.8, @chakra-ui/utils@3.0.0-next.8, @chakra-ui/docs@3.0.0-next.8...
3 years ago

Minor Changes

  • d9ec9f49
    #3049 Thanks
    @segunadebayo! - Move srOnly prop to
    styled system props. This will deprecate the need for the visually hidden
    package. Less is more!

    // If `true`, hide an element visually without hiding it from screen readers.
    <Box srOnly>Visually hidden</Box>
    // If `focusable`, the sr-only styles will be undone, making the element visible to sighted users as well as screen readers.
    <Box srOnly _active={{ srOnly: "focusable" }}>Visually hidden but shown on focus</Box>
  • 26ca4cc5
    Thanks @segunadebayo! - - Add polyfill for
    inset style prop as the CSS inset doesn't work in Safari

    • Add missing style props for grid and flex layouts: gridTemplate,
      gridRowStart, gridRowEnd, flexFlow, clipPath

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