github chakra-ui/chakra-ui @chakra-ui/styled-system@1.3.0

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3 years ago

Minor Changes

  • a0e0bd9a
    #2816 Thanks
    @segunadebayo! - Add gradient support to
    chakra style props. This PR adds to props:

    • bgGradient: a shorthand, convenient style prop to apply theme-aware
    • bgClip: a shorthand for background-clip CSS attribute. Useful when
      creating text gradients.
    • backgroundClip: the typical background-clip CSS attribute. Useful when
      creating text gradients.

    The Background Gradient API

    To add a gradient to a component, pass the bgGradient prop and set its value
    following the API below:

    • linear(<direction>, <from>, <to>)
    • radial(<from>, <to>)

    and other valid css gradient properties. For linear gradients, the direction
    can be either of the following values:

    "to-t" // 'to top'
    "to-tr" // 'to top right'
    "to-r" // 'to right'
    "to-br" // 'to bottom right'
    "to-b" // 'to bottom'
    "to-bl" // 'to bottom left'
    "to-l" // 'to left'
    "to-tl" // 'to top left'
    <Box w="500px" h="200px" bgGradient="linear(to-r, gray.300, pink.200)" />

    You can use both theme-aware color tokens or raw CSS color values.

    <Box w="500px" h="200px" bgGradient="linear(to-l, #7928CA, #FF0080)" />

    Multiple Color Stops

    This is a gradient with multiple stops

    <Box w="500px" h="200px" bgGradient="radial(gray.300,yellow.400,pink.200)" />

    The Text Gradient API

    To add a text gradient, pass the bgGradient following the API and bgClip
    prop to text.

      Welcome to Chakra UI
  • 4fa07745
    Thanks @segunadebayo! - ## Improve

    Styled system core functions use localCompare to sort the transformed styles
    before passing it to emotion. This seems to be slower compared to its
    alternative Intl.Collator.

    Here's a benchmark I ran on my Chrome, Macbook Pro:

    // Create an array of 2000 random items
    const arr = []
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
    // #1 - localeCompare: 169.665ms
    arr.sort((a, b) =>
      a.localeCompare(b, undefined, {
        numeric: true,
        sensitivity: "base",
    // #2 - collator: 10.915ms
    const collator = new Intl.Collator("en", {
      numeric: true,
      sensitivity: "base",
    arr.sort((a, b) =>, b))

    To improve performance, I had to do the following:

    • Move the core functions from @styled-system/core into our own codebase (we
      could create a PR to styled-system to improve the community)
    • Rewrite the functions to TypeScript. Since they're written in JavaScript
    • Change the sorting function to use Intl.Collator
    • Change the merge function to use lodash.mergeWith

    To learn more, check
    to see this benchmark.

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