github chakra-ui/chakra-ui @chakra-ui/styled-system@1.11.0

latest releases: @chakra-ui/react@3.8.0, @chakra-ui/panda-preset@3.8.0, @chakra-ui/cli@3.8.0...
3 years ago

Minor Changes

  • 773497896
    #3997 Thanks
    @segunadebayo! - Ring styles

    Added ring style props to make it easier to style an element's focus ring
    shadows. Props are ring, ringColor, ringOffset, and ringOffsetColor.

    // adds a 2px box-shadow with `gray.400` color
    <Box ring="2px" ringColor="gray.400">
    // adds main box-shadow + offset box-shadow
    <Box ring="2px" ringColor="gray.400" ringOffset="3px" ringOffsetColor="white">

    Filter styles

    Added css variable based API to apply css filter properties (blur,
    backdrop-blur) to an element. Props are filter, blur, sepia,
    brightness, invert, saturation, backdropFilter, backdropBlur,
    sepia, saturation, etc.

    To use this API, you'll need to set filter to auto, same for

    // adds a 3px blur filter to this element
    <Image src="boruto.png" filter="auto" blur="3px" />
    // adds a 3px blur and 40% saturation filter to this element
    <Image src="boruto.png" filter="auto" blur="3px" saturation={0.4} />

    Transform styles

    Added css variable based API to apply css transform properties (translateX,
    translateY, scale, etc.). Props are translateX, translateY, rotate,
    scaleX, scaleY, and scale.

    To use this API, you'll need to set transform to auto or auto-gpu (for
    the GPU accelerated version).

    <Circle transform="auto" translateX="4" _hover={{ translateX: "8" }}>
      <CheckIcon />
    • Add mixBlendMode, backgroundBlendMode, and bgBlendMode props to apply
      blend modes to elements

    • Automatic wrapping of backgroundImage or bgImage props with url() so
      you can just pass the image URL directly.

    // You can now do this!
    <Box bgImage="naruto.png" />
    // This still works
    <Box bgImage="url(naruto.png)" />
    • text decoration styles: Added textDecorationColor, textDecorationLine,
      textDecorationStyles style props.

    • Add isolation style prop to create a new stacking context.

    High Contrast Mode

    Fixed issue where setting outline:0 or outline:none and using box-shadow
    for focus outlines don't work in high-contrast mode.

    To fix this, we've added outline: 2px solid transparent whenever you set
    outline:0 to make your components work in high-constrast mode by default.

    Learn more

    • Fix the _dark pseudo props to map to
      .chakra-ui-dark &, [data-theme=dark] &, &[data-theme=dark].

    • Added _light pseudo props to map to
      .chakra-ui-light &, [data-theme=light] &, &[data-theme=light] for users
      that prefer to start with dark mode.

    • Added overscroll, overscrollX, and overscrollY style prop to manage
      overscroll behavior of an container

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