github chakra-ui/chakra-ui @chakra-ui/react@1.1.0

latest releases: @chakra-ui/hooks@3.0.0-next.8, @chakra-ui/utils@3.0.0-next.8, @chakra-ui/docs@3.0.0-next.8...
3 years ago

Minor Changes

  • 6a410f77
    #2834 Thanks
    @TimKolberger! - Allow extendTheme to
    accept optional second argument baseTheme to customize:

    const theme = extendTheme(
      { colors: { red: { 500: "#ff0000" } } },
      // the base theme to customize with the above overrides

    If no baseTheme is provided, defaults to the Chakra theme.

  • a0e0bd9a
    #2816 Thanks
    @segunadebayo! - Add gradient support to
    chakra style props. This PR adds to props:

    • bgGradient: a shorthand, convenient style prop to apply theme-aware
    • bgClip: a shorthand for background-clip CSS attribute. Useful when
      creating text gradients.
    • backgroundClip: the typical background-clip CSS attribute. Useful when
      creating text gradients.

    The Background Gradient API

    To add a gradient to a component, pass the bgGradient prop and set its value
    following the API below:

    • linear(<direction>, <from>, <to>)
    • radial(<from>, <to>)

    and other valid css gradient properties. For linear gradients, the direction
    can be either of the following values:

    "to-t" // 'to top'
    "to-tr" // 'to top right'
    "to-r" // 'to right'
    "to-br" // 'to bottom right'
    "to-b" // 'to bottom'
    "to-bl" // 'to bottom left'
    "to-l" // 'to left'
    "to-tl" // 'to top left'
    <Box w="500px" h="200px" bgGradient="linear(to-r, gray.300, pink.200)" />

    You can use both theme-aware color tokens or raw CSS color values.

    <Box w="500px" h="200px" bgGradient="linear(to-l, #7928CA, #FF0080)" />

    Multiple Color Stops

    This is a gradient with multiple stops

    <Box w="500px" h="200px" bgGradient="radial(gray.300,yellow.400,pink.200)" />

    The Text Gradient API

    To add a text gradient, pass the bgGradient following the API and bgClip
    prop to text.

      Welcome to Chakra UI

Patch Changes

  • 916588a5
    #2783 Thanks
    @TimKolberger! - Fixed an issue where
    extendTheme did not allow string properties besides ColorHue in the colors
    attribute of the theme override.

      colors: {
        myColor: {
          text: "#ff0000",
  • Updated dependencies

    • @chakra-ui/checkbox@1.1.0
    • @chakra-ui/radio@1.1.0
    • @chakra-ui/skeleton@1.0.4
    • @chakra-ui/pin-input@1.1.2
    • @chakra-ui/switch@1.0.3
    • @chakra-ui/system@1.1.1

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