github chakra-ui/chakra-ui @chakra-ui/radio@1.1.0

latest releases: @chakra-ui/hooks@3.0.0-next.8, @chakra-ui/utils@3.0.0-next.8, @chakra-ui/docs@3.0.0-next.8...
3 years ago

Minor Changes

  • 1e6db1e0
    #2876 Thanks
    @with-heart! - Deprecated the
    defaultIsChecked prop on Radio and Checkbox in favor of
    defaultChecked, which mirrors the default React prop name for this
    functionality. defaultIsChecked will continue to work, but may be removed in
    future versions.

Patch Changes

  • f09a1cbf
    #2875 Thanks
    @with-heart! - Resolved an issue where
    uncontrolled Radio components used outside of RadioGroup were not working

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