github chainx-org/ChainX v2.0.2
Release v2.0.2

latest releases: v4.3.0, v4.2.0, v4.1.1...
3 years ago

WASM runtime built with srtool using rustc 1.48.0-nightly (381b445ff 2020-09-29).

chainx runtime proposal hash: 0x84d5265df34021caad1f4bad6e39d814b0d10ba74f65e1f5e4e424a553e88369.

Please upgrade your node to the latest version ASAP if your node is providing the RPC services.


  • Enable transfers and all the other calls except DEX and bitcoin functions. (#396)
  • Rename pendingWithdrawalList into pendingWithdrawalListByChain (#397)
  • Fix the default ss58 version (#394)

Other improvements

  • Improve some trivial things in bitcoin (#398)

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