github chainapsis/keplr-wallet v0.8.4-rc.1

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3 years ago

v0.8.4-rc.1 Release Notes

This release of Keplr fixes minor bugs on the IBC transfer interactions and allows users to claim rewards when delegated to over 8 validators. There are no API-breaking changes.


  • Fix bug where Keplr extension screen goes blank when the IBC token balance becomes 0
  • Fix issue where claiming reward from 8+ validators runs into block gas limit and the transaction can't be processed. Keplr now only claims rewards for up to 8 validators at a time (in the order of pending staking reward of the primary staking token). Users will have to send another 'claim reward' transaction to claim from the other 8+ validators.
  • Fix issue where IBC transfer transaction's loading indicator doesn't show.

UX Improvements

  • Show staking reward rate for IRISnet, Sifchain.
  • Add Korean translations related to IBC related components.

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