github chaiNNer-org/chaiNNer v0.14.2
Alpha v0.14.2

latest releases: v0.24.1, v0.24.0, v0.23.3...
2 years ago

New Features

  • HAT Support (#1169, #1172, #1173)
    • Adds the HAT architecture, which is another improvement on SwinIR

Other Changes

  • Offset image preview nodes created by the shortcut button based on output index (#1178)
  • Prevent FaceSR models from being converted to ONNX & NCNN due to being incompatible (#1136, #1174)
  • Calculate number of frames estimate when nb_frames data is unavailable on video (#1136)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where entire video would attempt to be processed when an error occurs (#1136)
  • Fixed Swin2SR "compression" model loading (#1171)
  • Fixed improper fp16 ONNX to NCNN conversion (#1162)
  • Fixed slider value resetting visually but not actually on double-click (#1179)
  • Fixed Split Transparency erroring when inputting grayscale images (#1182)

As always, thanks to everyone who contributed to this release: @joeyballentine @RunDevelopment @theflyingzamboni

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