github chaiNNer-org/chaiNNer v0.12.4
Alpha v0.12.4

latest releases: v0.24.1, v0.24.0, v0.23.3...
2 years ago

This is another smaller update that adds a couple of new things and fixes a few bugs.

New Features

  • GPU Selector for PyTorch & NCNN (#919)
    • Long overdue, now you can select what GPU you want to use for PyTorch or NCNN. This is great for NCNN users as now you can have chaiNNer use your dedicated GPU instead of defaulting to your integrated GPU.
    • This is in the "Python" tab in settings, in the PyTorch and NCNN sub-tabs
    • If you have any issues that seem to stem from this change, please let me know.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed loading RealESRGAN model loading at scales other than 4x (tested with 8x and 2x) (#921)

New Nodes

  • Resize to Side (#910) (thanks @BigBoyBarney)
    • Lets you resize conditionally based on the properties of the images


  • Moved CPU & FP16 settings to the PyTorch sub-tab of the Python tab in settings
  • Added icons to settings tabs (#922)
  • Added modulo operator to Math node (#908)

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