github cert-manager/cert-manager v1.5.0-beta.0

latest releases: v1.14.5, cmd/ctl/v1.14.5, v1.13.6...
pre-release2 years ago

Release notes for release-1.5

This release adds support for the upcoming Kubernetes 1.22 release. You must upgrade to this beta version if you are trying out Kubernetes 1.22.

Changelog since v1.4.0

Changes by Kind


  • Add a name to Prometheus scraping service port (#4072, @francescsanjuanmrf)
  • Add support for adding custom annotations and labels to the Secret containing the TLS key pair. (#3828, @jonathansp)
  • Add the deployed cert-manager version to 'kubectl cert-manager version' command (#4226, @inteon)
  • Added a new optional controller: gateway-shim. cert-manager now supports automatic
    creation of certificates for the sig-network Gateway API Gateway, when annotated
    similarly to existing support for Ingresses. (#4158, @maelvls)
  • Added a startup api check Job that waits for the cert-manager api to become ready (#4234, @inteon)
  • Added the kubectl 'cert-manager check api' command (#4205, @inteon)
  • Adds CLI command: ctl experimental create certificatesigningrequest for creating a Kuberenetes CertificateSigningRequest based upon a cert-manager Certificate manifest file (#4106, @JoshVanL)
  • Adds clock_time_seconds metric for calculating expiration time in monitoring systems without a built in function. (#4105, @kit837)
  • Adds support for Ed25519 private keys and signatures for Certificates (#4079, @annerajb)
  • cert-manager is now able to sign CertificateSigningRequests using the ACME issuer. Note that
    the CertificateSigningRequests support is experimental and requires the use of a flag on the
    controller: --feature-gates=ExperimentalCertificateSigningRequestControllers=true (#4112, @JoshVanL)
  • cert-manager is now able to sign CertificateSigningRequests using the SelfSigned issuer. Note that
    the CertificateSigningRequests support is experimental and requires the use of a flag on the
    controller: --feature-gates=ExperimentalCertificateSigningRequestControllers=true (#4100, @JoshVanL)
  • cert-manager is now able to sign CertificateSigningRequests using the Vault issuer. Note that
    the CertificateSigningRequests support is experimental and requires the use of a flag on the
    controller: --feature-gates=ExperimentalCertificateSigningRequestControllers=true (#4103, @JoshVanL)
  • cert-manager is now able to sign CertificateSigningRequests using the Venafi issuer. Note that
    the CertificateSigningRequests support is experimental and requires the use of a flag on the
    controller: --feature-gates=ExperimentalCertificateSigningRequestControllers=true (#4108, @JoshVanL)
  • cert-manager now supports the sig-network Gateway API to solve HTTP01 challenges. (#4276, @jakexks)
  • cert-manager now uses the Ingress type if available. (#4225, @jakexks)
  • Fire event when a CertificateSigningRequest has not yet been approved, so will skip processing until it is. (#4229, @JoshVanL)
  • kubectl cert-manager x install command is added (#4138, @inteon)

Bug or Regression

  • Cloudflare: Refactored DNS01 challenge to use API for finding the nearest Zone (fixing potential DNS-Issues) (#4147, @thiscantbeserious)
  • Fix a bug where failed Certificate Requests were not retried (#4130, @irbekrm)
  • Fix check for self-signed certificates in EncodeX509Chain which broke certs whose subject DN matched their issuer's subject DN (#4237, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Fix handling of chains which don't have a root in ParseSingleCertificateChain, and improve handling in situations where that function is passed a single certificate. (#4261, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Fixed a bug in the "gateway shim" controller that was causing the cert-manager controller to crash
    with a nil pointer exception when using the annotation "" on a Gateway that
    had an empty tls block or with certificateRef left empty. (#4293, @maelvls)
  • Fixed a goroutine leak that was causing the controller's memory usage to grow with time (#4233, @maelvls)
  • Fixed a race condition introduced in v0.15.0 that would crash cert-manager for clusters
    with a large number of certificates. (#4231, @maelvls)
  • Set correct exit codes on ctrl+c event & process defer calls on error (#4230, @inteon)
  • Set correct labels on resources in static manifest yaml files (#4190, @inteon)

Other (Cleanup or Flake)

  • Adds conformance E2E suite for CertificateSigningRequests (#4101, @JoshVanL)
  • Allows to configure labels on cert-manager webhook service via a Helm value. (#4260, @mozz-lx)
  • Allows to configure which annotations get copied from Certificate to CertificateRequest. Annotations with keys prefixed with,, are now excluded by default. (#4251, @irbekrm)
  • Minor cleanup of make targets, to prepare for more use of make in cert-manager (#4109, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Pre-v1 cert-manager resource requests now must be converted to v1 in order to be validated/mutated by admission webhooks. (Default cert-manager validating and mutating webhook configurations ensure the resource requests are being converted) (#4172, @irbekrm)
  • Reduce binary sizes by adding "-w" as ldflag (#4181, @inteon)
  • Regression: CertificateSigningRequests will no longer have a annotation set. (#4143, @JoshVanL)
  • Remove v1beta1 as an accepted AdmissionReviewVersion. cert-manager now only supports v1, available since Kubernetes v1.16 (#4254, @JoshVanL)
  • Remove v1beta1 as an accepted ConversionReviewVersion. cert-manager now only supports v1, available since Kubernetes v1.16 (#4253, @JoshVanL)
  • The controllers now exit more cleanly (eg. the Leader Election Lease is freed properly on shutdown) (#4243, @inteon)

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