github cerberustesting/cerberus-core cerberus-testing-4.12

Bug fixes

  • When step is using a library the correct information is displayed on the GUI (both when loading the page and attaching a new step from modal). #2182
  • Fixed Error message when delete an application object.
  • Fixed issue when using setNetworkTraffic with both urlFilter and index previously used during the test case.
  • Fixed properties autocomplete issue on testcase script page.
  • Fixed Robotdecli information when running testcase in manual mode. #2232
  • Cleaned extra Backslash on GetFromJSON properties when slash character is retrieved inside an Array. #2242
  • Fixed Service creation button from Testcase Script page #2276

Improvements / New features

  • new property getOTP. That allow to get an OTP connection code from a secret key allowing to manage the Two Factor authentication use case. #2234
  • new Erratum element that allow self-healing feature. #2252
  • Added all element indentifier on autocomplete on testcase script page.
  • Avoid error on Condition evaluation that require Selenium engine when running testcase in manual mode. #2161
  • Improved JSON Structure of Network Traffic for GET requests. (Thanks @vitoo)
  • Added a default value for index name for Network Traffic.
  • New public servlet for getting campaign execution details /GetTagDetailsV001. #2204
  • Added Step number in testcase script page. (Thanks @vitoo)
  • Executor checks before execution starts now timeout after 15 seconds (in stead of 2 minutes).
  • Support for highlighting selenium element using new parameter 'cerberus_selenium_highlightElement'.
  • Direct access to Last seen Executions, Testcases and Campaign from user menu.
  • You can now overwrite timeout, maxSimilarity and highlightElement parameters for every step, action and control. #2153

Warning to be considered before applying the version (deprecated features)

  • Updated Groovy library to 2.4.21. Check your script behavior before upgrading.
  • Database tables on testcase perimeter has been massively refactored.
  • Expect some long ALTER queries on execution tables.

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