github centrifugal/centrifugo v2.7.0

latest releases: v5.4.1, v5.4.0, v5.3.2...
3 years ago

This release has minor backwards incompatible changes in some Prometheus/Graphite metric names. This means that you may need to adapt your monitoring dashboards a bit. See details below.


  • Previously metrics exposed by Centrifuge library (which Centrifugo is built on top of) belonged to centrifuge Prometheus namespace. This lead to a situation where part of Centrifugo metrics belonged to centrifugo and part to centrifuge Prometheus namespaces. Starting from v2.7.0 Centrifuge library specific metrics also belong to centrifugo namespace. So the rule to migrate is simple: if see centrifuge word in a metric name – change it to centrifugo.
  • Refreshed login screen of admin web interface with moving Centrifugo logo on canvas – just check it out!
  • New gauge that shows amount of running Centrifugo nodes
  • Centrifugal organization just got the first baker on Opencollective ❤️. This is a nice first step in making Centrifugo development sustainable.


  • Fix messages_sent_count counter which did not show control, join and leave messages

Coming soon 🔥:

  • Official Grafana Dashboard for Prometheus storage is on its way to Centrifugo users. Track this issue for a status, the work almost finished.
  • Official Centrifugo Helm Chart for Kubernetes. Track this issue for a status, the work almost finished.

Docker images

  • docker pull centrifugo/centrifugo:v2.7.0
  • docker pull centrifugo/centrifugo:v2
  • docker pull centrifugo/centrifugo:v2.7
  • docker pull centrifugo/centrifugo:latest

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