github centrifugal/centrifuge-js 2.8.0

latest releases: 5.2.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.0...
2 years ago

Update to work with Centrifuge >= v0.18.0 and Centrifugo v3.

Breaking change in server behavior. Client History API behavior changed in Centrifuge >= v0.18.0 and Centrifugo >= v3.0.0. When using history call it won't return all publications in a stream by default. See Centrifuge v0.18.0 release notes or Centrifugo v3 migration guide for more information and workaround on server-side. If you are using centrifuge-js with older server versions then everything without using history options like limit and since then everything should work the same way. Since this is a change in a server behavior we don't release a new major centrifuge-js version.

Other changes:

  • Protocol definitions updated to the latest version
  • When working with Centrifugo v3 or Centrifuge >= v0.18.0 it's now possible to avoid using ?format=protobuf in connection URL when using Protobuf protocol. The intent to use binary Protobuf protocol can now be set explicitly in client options. In this case client will negotiate Protobuf protocol with a server using WebSocket subprotocol mechanism (in request headers). Pull request.
  • It's now possible to call subscribe and provide custom subscribe options. One subscribe option available now is since – which allows setting known StreamPosition and initiate automatic recovery. Pull request.
  • Support history reverse option (Centrifuge >= v0.18.1 and Centrifugo v3 only)

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