github celo-org/celo-blockchain v1.6.1
Celo-Blockchain Release 1.6.1-stable

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18 months ago

Celo-blockchain v1.6.1-stable includes two fixes which are important to RPC providing nodes.

You will want to upgrade to this version if you are:

  • Running an RPC node that is serving debug_traceBlock or debug_traceTransaction queries.
    Examples of this could be block indexers, exchanges, and dApps that look up transaction as part of their logic.

  • Running an RPC node that is serving eth_getBlock(number= "pending") queries.
    Examples of this would be most nodes that consume the pending block info.


  • Fix ethapi for pending blocks (#1952)
    Calling eth_getBlock(number= "pending") over the RPC API could result in a RPC error if the pending block has eip-1559 txs.

  • Fix tracers error (debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceBlock)(#1968)
    Fixes the extra elements in the tracer responses:

        "error": {"code": -32000, "message": "TypeError: cannot read property 'calls' of undefined    in server-side tracer function 'fault'"}

    This error was added from upstream in the version 1.10.8, and this is a cherrypick from the 1.10.10 that fixes it (ethereum/go-ethereum@b522f5e)

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