github celestiaorg/celestia-app v1.0.0-rc5

latest releases: v3.0.0-mocha, v2.3.1-mocha, v2.3.1...
pre-release17 months ago

Update Advisory

This release contains multiple consensus breaking bug fixes that render it incompatible with other release candidates. There are no plans to maintain the bugs in the previous release candiates for v1.0.0-rcX, so all testnets that are upgrading will likely be hardspooning again to maintain the ability to sync from scratch.

The bug fixes are mostly patches to edge cases that could result in nonces not being incremented correctly. This means that it should be an easy upgrade for celestia-node, and is reccomended that an bump be created as soon as possible.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc4...v1.0.0-rc5

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