github cefsharp/CefSharp v69.0.0-pre01

latest releases: v131.3.50, v131.3.10, v131.2.70...
pre-release6 years ago

October 26, 2018, CEF 3.3497.1841.g7f37a0a / Chromium 69.0.3497.100

Visual C++ 2015 is now required, see Breaking Changes below for more information

#2341 Crash on method OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing() when there is Switch parameters without value [@amaitland]
#2432 Memory leak when using CefSharp.BindObjectAsync().
#2492 Browser stop redrawing on resize.
#2515 Resizing iframe stop capturing mouse wheel
#2523 Rename IJsDialogHandler.OnJSBeforeUnload to OnBeforeUnloadDialog [@amaitland]


Known Issues

Breaking Changes

  • CefSharp requires Visual C++ 2015 starting with this release. See #1983 for details. You can bin deploy the VC++ dependencies, read the FAQ for more.
  • IJsDialogHandler.OnJSBeforeUnload was renamed to IJsDialogHandler.OnBeforeUnloadDialog so it matches the CEF API, see #2523

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