github cdgriffith/FastFlix 4.10.1
Version 4.10.1

latest releases: 5.7.0b1, 5.6.0, 5.5.7...
18 months ago

THIS IS A LEGACY RELEASE Please use version 5 or newer if you are not on Windows 7/8 or macOS 10.


  • Fixing #370 Audio Match not working correctly after 4.10.0 (thanks to Hexenhammer)
  • Fixing #378 Deprecated features used for SVT-AV1 (thanks to DesertCookie)
  • Fixing #380 Not all subtitles have "codec_name" (thanks to No Name)
  • Fixing configuration lookup for hdr10+ tool


Please use the installer below (FastFlix_4.10.1_installer.exe) unless you need the portable version (

Mac / Linux

Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix) then to run it ./FastFlix

Mac: macOS 10.15 or greater required.
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 recommended.

Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0 installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.


If you're enjoying FastFlix please consider a one time contribution to the efforts! ❤️

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