github catboost/catboost v0.15.2

latest releases: node-package-v1.26.0, v1.2.7, v1.2.6...
5 years ago

Breaking changes:

  • Function get_feature_statistics is replaced by calc_feature_statistics
  • Scoring function Correlation is renamed to Cosine
  • Parameter efb_max_conflict_fraction is renamed to sparse_features_conflict_fraction

New features:

  • Models can be saved in PMML format now.

Note: PMML does not have full categorical features support, so to have the model in PMML format for datasets with categorical features you need to use set one_hot_max_size parameter to some large value, so that all categorical features are one-hot encoded

  • Feature names can be used to specify ignored features

Bug fixes, including:

  • Fixed restarting of CV on GPU for datasets without categorical features
  • Fixed learning continuation errors with changed dataset (#879) and with model loaded from file (#884)
  • Fixed NativeLib for JDK 9+ (PR #857)

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