- Scanning for app now should work on system with non english locale ( was not fixed on previous release ) [app-win]
- Added a option to auto suspend VM when there is inactivity [app-linux]
- The confirm and cancel buttons on dialogue for adding shares etc. should now use default color instead of using unreadable colors [app-linux]
- You can now choose between "xfreerdp" and "wlfreerdp" for running full session and application session [app-linux]
- Added advanced tab on cassowary GUI, and moved some existing options there as well as added new options [app-linux]
- Desktop launchers created now use default icon if the exe file fails to provide icon instead of being blank. ( You may need to remove "def_icon" key and value from ~/.config/casualrdh/config.json for it to work ) [app-linux]
How to update:
Linux App
Download "cassowary-0.3-py3-none-any.whl" file and Open terminal in directory where it is located then run pip install cassowary-0.3-py3-none-any.whl
Windows app
Download "cassowary-0.3-winsetup.zip" inside VM extract the files, double click setup.bat, then logout or reboot