github cashapp/turbine 0.13.0

latest releases: 1.2.0, 1.1.0, 1.0.0...
18 months ago


  • New Kotlin/Native targets:
    • androidNativeArm32
    • androidNativeArm64
    • androidNativeX86
    • androidNativeX64
    • linuxArm64
    • watchosDeviceArm64


  • Build with Kotlin 1.8.21

Note: This version has a transitive dependency on kotlinx.coroutines 1.7.0. If you are an Android user, you should be depending on kotlinx.coroutines 1.7.1 which graciously fixes a binary incompatibility with a Compose testing artifact (because they failed to heed its opt-in annotation which indicated that it was not a stable API).

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