github casbin/casbin v2.0.0
Casbin 2.0.0

latest releases: v2.89.0, v2.88.0, v2.87.1...
4 years ago

Breaking Change !

  • Add error as return value for nearly all functions (API & non-API). See: ce253cf and 2cd38e8
  • The Safe functions like NewEnforcerSafe() are removed, as all the functions start to return error now.

A lot of projects that use Casbin latest version may need to update their code, sorry for the disturbance. If can still use Casbin v1.x versions with vgo to use the old calls.

Casbin 2.x starts to support Go Modules, so please use Go Modules to upgrade to Casbin 2.x. If you are still using the deprecated go get xxx way, you may only see 1.x version. See for details: #267

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